Gallery Estate
Gallery Estate

Gallery Estate

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Gallery Estate is a real estate company with two decades in real estate industry which experience and knowledge has gifted us with a strong foothold and well- connected network of licensed real estate agents and reputed builders in all the hot and happening cities of Cyprus.

With our unique contemporary style and total passion for connecting people with property, we aspire to provide the ultimate real estate experience for today’s modern consumer. We are not confined by traditional real estate boundaries when it comes to buying, selling, renting or asset management, instead we are always finding new and innovative ways to satisfy our clients’ needs and be at the forefront of the Adelaide property market

One in the busy coastal city of Limassol, we also have associates throughout the whole island placing ourselves in a position to cover the whole islands real estate market.

  • Numéro de registre: 1096
  • Numéro de licence: 472/E

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