As an agent

Advertise real estate on our platforms

Looking for more direct buyers and sellers? Advertise your real estate on the fastest growing real estate marketplace that thousands of people use to find real estate for sale and rent every day. We find and deliver direct buyers, tenants and sellers straight to you.

Success manager

You get access to your own personal success manager who will help to set up your agency profile and get the most leads from your real estate listings.

Flexible pricing

Our pricing is transparent and there’s no start up fees or upfront payments, so you can get started and try our platforms at no cost.

Automated reports

Reports are generated automatically and sent to you at the start of every week and month, so you can track the amount of views and leads.

One account, three platforms.

Our marketplace is accessed from three different platforms, each focused on either residential, land or commercial real estate. To learn more about all the platforms included in the marketplace you can read more about us.

Leads provided July 2024
Unique visitors July 2024
Pageviews July 2024

Our packages


    • Regular photo size
    • Company name in the search results


      • Larger photo size
      • Company name and logo in the search results
      • Boosted to the top every other week
      • More likely to be featured in social media


        • Larger photo size
        • Company name and logo in the search results
        • Boosted to the top every week
        • Guaranteed to be featured in social media
        • Property description in the search results
        • Two extra photos in the search results

        Selected collaborators

        Kadis Estates
        Arazo Real Estate
        Vivo Realty
        Kalogirou Real Estate

        Integrate your system with

        Our platforms can be integrated with your own website or system via our API. We also collaborate with market leading software providers that allows you to publish real estate listings with just a single click.

        Are you a real estate developer?