Parliament members' cars cost between €100 and €60,000
July 17, 2024

Parliament members' cars cost between €100 and €60,000

Parliamentarians owning a wide variety of vehicles is evident from their recently made public asset disclosures; the majority of their automobiles are worth between €10,000 and €20,000. Many MPs and party leaders drive rather modest cars, if any, despite their prominent positions.

The President of Parliament and DISY, Anita Demetriou, disclosed that she had a vehicle valued at €5,000. She can, however, also use a state-provided car with a chauffeur. Both DIKO President Nicolas Papadopoulos and AKEL Secretary-General Stefanos Stefanou did not report any automobiles. In September 2023, Papadopoulos mentioned selling his Volkswagen Bus for €10,000.

A few members of parliament, including George Koukumas and Marina Nicolaou of AKEL and independent MP Alexandra Attalidou, stated they didn't have a car. The socialist MP Kostis Efstathiou is the owner of a used Kia that was purchased in 2021, but it is unclear how much it is worth.

The EPP president, Marinos Sizopoulos, drives a Maserati GT, one of the priciest cars among MPs, which is estimated to be worth between €35,000 and €40,000. The President of ELAM, on the other hand, owns a €2,000 Mazda saloon, whereas Mario Karoyan, the President of PPP, does not own any cars.

The most costly car is driven by DISY's Fotini Tsiridou, who owns a €60,000 BMW. Harris Georgiades, a different DISY MP, has a Mercedes GLE 300 worth €40,000. The Mercedes owned by DIKO MP Panikkos Leonidou and the Volvo owned by DISY MP Marios Mavridis are valued at €20,000 and €33,000, respectively.

A Mazda owned by Andros Kyprianou of AKEL is valued at €7,000, while a Ford owned by Marinos Moussioutta of DPA is valued at €23,500. Giorgos Loukaidis of AKEL reported a 2009 Mercedes to be valued at €10,000.

Averof Neophytou, a former president of DISY and MP, and Christos Orphanides, an MP for DIKO, each reported a car worth €10,000 and €30,000, respectively, without naming the brand. Aristos Damianou, MEP for AKEL, has a second, less expensive car and a BMW that is valued at €15,000.

Giannakis Gavriel, the AKEL MP, owns a Volkswagen Polo valued at €10,000 and an Audi Q5 for €25,000. DISY MP George Karoullas claimed a Lexus valued at €12,450, while DISY MP Nikos Georgiou owned a Mercedes for €9,000.

AKEL MP Andreas Kavkalias reported owning a vehicle valued at €10,000 without mentioning the type. AKEL Limassol MP Kostas Kostas declared two vehicles: a Mazda worth €100, the least expensive car declared, and a Volvo worth €13,000.

Additionally, MP Chrysanthos Savvidou of Paphos owns a BMW and a double cab vehicle. Some MPs also reported owning second vehicles valued between €1,000 and €6,000. Notably, EPP MP Elias Mirianthous declared owning a boat worth €6,000, the only boat declared among MPs.